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June 15, 2005
Journal AWWA - Perchlorate Status Report
The American Water Works Association has published a thorough examination of the current status of perchlorate regulation in their May 2005 issue in an article titled "Data gains push perchlorate nearer to regulatory determination." Risk assessment and risk reduction can be treated in some greater detail since the National Academy of Sciences released the NRC report in January of 2005.
The recent firming-up of perchlorate risk science and occurrence data has gone a long way toward meeting two critical information needs for possible Federal regulation, but the progress has fallen short of addressing the lingering uncertainties faced by water suppliers about how to respond to the high-profile contaminant.
[Editing note: a clarification needs to be applied to the following comment from the last page of the article: "presence of perchlorate in milk lowers the iodide content and may impair thyroid development in infants." In actuality, the iodide content is not affected by perchlorate; however, perchlorate competes with iodide for uptake from the blood into the thyroid gland. Assuming iodine sufficiency, the typical human physiology allows an adaptive response to such conditions. Developmental effects on fetal and infant subjects have been the subject of considerable study.]
June 15, 2005 in Regulatory Guidelines | Permalink
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