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July 25, 2005
IC/MS Perchlorate Analysis
Analysis of perchlorate at low ppb levels has been complicated by the possible occurrence of both false positives and false negatives due to matrix effects and co-eluting substances detected by non-specific conductivity detection. The July 2005 issue of American Laboratory News (Vol. 37, No. 15) features an article (pp. 16-20) that describes how an isocratic IC system and a single quadrupole 1100 MSD can determine perchlorate at sub-part per billion levels. It should be noted that this detection limit likely intrudes on the levels at which perchlorate may be found as a naturally occurring substituent of groundwater in many areas. The publication web site is www.americanlaboratory.com.
July 25, 2005 in Analytical Science, Environmental Guidelines | Permalink
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